Facebook Metrics Glossary

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by: Dev Sperling |

An iPhone with the Facebook login on it. Three notebooks and a pen are next to the iPhone.







In January, Facebook changed its news feed algorithm. From now on, Facebook is going to prioritize posts from users’ friends and family members over brands’ posts. Because of this change, it is now more important than ever before to start utilizing Facebook ads to promote your business or nonprofit. But what do all the metrics on the Facebook dashboard even mean? In our final blog post in our glossary series, we’ll be defining Facebook ad metrics.

Frequency – This is how many times an ad was shown to a specific user over the selected time period. Depending on your goals, you may want to keep the frequency up or down. Our benchmark tends to be between 1-5 for frequency count. If you get closer to ten, you start to flood users’ news feeds and might overdo it, resulting in them opting out from seeing your ads or unfollowing your page.

Reach Reach is the total amount of users to whom your ad has been shown.

Impressions – Impressions is the grand total of times your ad was shown in a user’s news feed.

Button Clicks – This metric shows how many times someone physically clicked the “Learn More” or “Sign Up” button on your ad. If you have a lead gen ad, you would want this number to be high, but if you are pushing awareness ads or services, having a low button click is okay as long as the link clicks (see below) are producing the results you want.

Link Clicks – A link click is when someone clicks the visible link in your ad.

Clicks (All) – This incorporates all the clicks on your ad, whether it be to your Facebook page, link in copy, button, or when someone engages with your ad by commenting or liking your content.

If you liked this post, be sure to check out our blog posts on pay-per-click glossary guides.
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Metrics To Know & Understand For Pay-Per-Click Campaigns
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