The original iPhone came out ten years ago, and who would have known back then the big role it now plays in people’s lives? One of the iPhone’s most used features is its camera, and for many people, their smartphone is the only camera they have. Of course, to take great photographs with your cellular device, you need to give your snaps some tender love and care via post-production. Here are our seven favorite photo apps we’ve found that can help you achieve better smartphone photography.
TouchRetouch. For $1.99, this app will enable you to delete any photobombers, strangers, or unwanted things from your photos in just a few taps.
Facetune. Facetune is amazing because it will save you time from taking selfies and will eliminate anything you’re feeling insecure with. With Facetune, you can get rid of blemishes, whiten your teeth, get rid of bald spots or gray hair, reshape facial features, brighten dark under-eye circles, and more. It costs $3.99.
Slow Shutter Cam. This app’s title does it exactly what it promises for $1.99. When you’re in a low-lit place, you can slow down the smartphone’s shutter to capture stunning photos.
Adobe Photoshop Express. Unlike the regular Photoshop software, the cellular app is free and works just as well. Photoshop has tons of advanced editing tools to make your photos look like they were taken by DSLR.
Font Candy + Typography Editor. Font Candy is an awesome app to download if you’re designing a poster or marketing collateral as you can add fun text to photos. With this app you can also scale and crop photos. It costs $2.99.
Prisma. If you’ve never been much of an artist, you now can be with Prisma. This free app enables you transform photos you’ve taken so they resemble the styles of iconic artists like Van Gogh and Picasso.
Instagram. We talked about Instagram and our prediction for its growth in 2018 here. Instagram has many common editing features- adjust, brighten, contrast, structure, warmth, saturation, highlights, shadows, and sharpen- and is the most popular photo and video sharing app out there. If you’re a b2c business, having an Instagram account is a must. It is also free.