The Different Types of Facebook Ads

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by: Dev Sperling | marketing strategy, social media

The Different Types of Facebook Ads









Facebook is one of the premier places on the Internet to promote your business. Facebook offers a variety of ways to advertise. No matter what type of business you run, you are sure to have a way to reach to your targeted audience in the way they consume content. Read along to learn about the different types of ads you can run on Facebook.

Link Ads

Link ads are the most common type of ads. They are the ads most people think of when they think of Facebook ads. When you click on a link ad, you are brought to either a website or a curated landing page. This type of ad generally performs well and can help generate likes for your business Facebook page.

According to Facebook, “whether you want people to learn about your product, buy a ticket, or download an eBook, Facebook link ads are a great way to get people clicking to your website and visiting the pages you’d like them to see.”

Video Ads

As we’ve touched upon before here on the blog, video is the future of digital marketing. Video content can really bring your business to life. With this form of advertising, you don’t have to write a blurb or upload a photo. Video ads are a powerful way to tell your story, fuel engagement, bring visitors to your website, and increase leads.

Boosted Posts

Every time you post content to your Facebook page, Facebook gives you the option to boost that post. When you boost a post, you pay to get more people to see that content. Your post essentially becomes an ad and you get to control the audience who sees it.


We recommend boosting your content every now and then as there is a decline in organic reach on Facebook. We suggest boosting content that you want to get in front of a large group of people, such as a testimonial, an upcoming event your company is hosting, or a special offer.   


Carousel Ads

The carousel ad allows you to showcase up to 10 images or videos within a single ad, and each image or video has its own link. This form of advertising works especially well for e-commerce stores, or if you’d like to promote several different offers for your business as it gives people a chance to see an array of your products.  

Dynamic Product Ads

These type of ads involve re-targeting people who have previously checked out your business. An example of this Facebook ad would be targeting a person who has been to your website before but hasn’t made an action yet, such as completing a form, signing up for your newsletter, buying a product, etc. You need to install Facebook Pixel to use this form of advertising.

Facebook Lead Ads

This type of ad is designed to help you get, you guessed it, more leads. What’s great about Facebook Lead Ads is it can get people to complete a call-to-action (sign up for an offer or download a piece of content) all without having to leave the Facebook app or website. Lead Ads gives you access to information about your leads. Once you have someone’s information, you can then sync them into your CRM system (customer relationship management system). This will allow you to follow up with them.  

Canvas Ads   

Canvas Ads are only available on mobile devices. With Canvas Ad, your target audience can swipe through a carousel of images, tilt the image in different directions, and zoom in or zoom out of the images. Canvas Ads load 10 times faster than standard mobile web applications. This is a great ad to use if yours is a product-based business or a visual business like a marketing agency or a lifestyle brand.

Collection Ads

This ad is only available for mobile devices and allows you to showcase multiple products that are being sold on your website. Collection Ads have become quite popular because more and more people are browsing Facebook through their mobile devices and it offers a seamless browsing experience.

Page Like Ads

Page Like Ads are the go-to ads for increasing the number of likes on your Facebook page. You may have seen a page like ad before. It’s an ad that shows pages your friends have liked. The ad encourages users to check out the page.

Page Post Photo Ads

This is another ad that can drive up likes and engagement on your Facebook Page. It’s your chance to give Facebook users information about you. According to Facebook, page post photo ads are a chance to “share updates and stories, connect with your followers and a new audience, and build your brand and customer base.”

Page Post Text Ads

This ad is the worst type of ad as it’s just text. As a result, it doesn’t get much engagement, likes, or leads. It underperforms because it doesn’t have much of an engaging element to it like a photo, video, or link based ad.

Mobile App Ad

If you have a mobile app and would like to grow it, Mobile App Ad is the type of ad to use. It gives people the opportunity to install your app from Facebook. You can get really specific with targeting. You can choose which iOS/Android version you want the user to have and if you want the target audience to be on a tablet or a smartphone.

Events Ad

This ad helps event organizers attract more visitors/attendees to their upcoming event(s). Depending on the size and/or relevance of your event, you may want to limit the geographical reach of the ad. The ad, after all, is pay-per-click and you wouldn’t want somebody who doesn’t live near the event to click on it and waste your marketing dollars.

Offer Ads

This ad works well for brick and mortar stores when they have any discounts coming up. When a user clicks on the button “Get Offer” next to the ad, they will redeem the offer and receive an email containing the details and terms of use.  

Local Awareness Ad

Local awareness ads work best when it comes to location-based targeting. These ads pop up for users when they are near your business. The call-to-action buttons you can use on this ad can include “Call Now” or “Get Directions.”

Facebook Stories Ad

We announced the newest form of Facebook advertising last month on the blog. Businesses are now able to advertise through Facebook Stories. Facebook Stories are photos or videos that users can click past, similar to slides on a presentation. Your story can have stickers, text, and filters. In an article earlier this year from TechCrunch, they shared Stories are about to surpass feed sharing.

Interested in setting up a Facebook Ad for your business? Contact Sperling Interactive today. We’d love to help you determine which ad to run and how to select a target audience.