We all remember last year when Massachusetts’ own Dunkin’ Donuts dropped its name to just Dunkin’. Dunkin’ Donuts had been known on a first name basis by fans for years, and it was dropping the ‘donut’ to transform itself into “a beverage-led, on-the-go brand.” What Dunkin’ underwent was a rebrand. Rebranding may seem like it’s just changing your company’s name or logo, but there’s a lot more to it. Here our top tips on how to have a successful rebrand.
Make Sure You Have A Purpose
There are many reasons a business rebrands itself. They may feel their current brand is too generic. They’re feeling embarrassed to pass out business cards or share their website’s URL.
It may be because they are merging with another company or have acquired another one.
Or it could be because their business has evolved. They have new markets and therefore need a new brand to connect with their new audiences.
Whatever the reason, it’s important to have a ‘why’ behind your rebrand.
Check For Trademarks
The last thing you want is to fall in love with a name or logo that is already being used by another company.
Sometimes companies will hire a law firm to perform comprehensive trademark searches, but you don’t have to do that. You can look for trademarks registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on their website. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is the federal agency in charge of maintaining the national register of trademarks.
You should also perform a Google search of the name you’re thinking of going with. This website can tell you if the domain you like is still available.
Don’t Forget A Tagline
Just Do It. Because You’re Worth It. Finger Lickin’ Good. These are a few well known company taglines. Taglines are important as they represent your company’s mission. They are something competitors can’t steal from you and it’s what differentiates you from them. We recommend your tagline be no longer than five or six words and that it shows off your organization’s personality. Check out our previous blog on the difference between taglines and positioning statements for some more inspiration on taglines.
Create A New Brand Guide
A brand guide is a formal document that dictates how branding elements can be used such as fonts and colors. Every organization needs a brand guide as it will keep your brand consistent every time it is used, be it via your website, business cards, social media, email signatures, letterheads, brochures, physical space, etc. Brand guides will also keep everyone inside your organization and outside of it on top of how to use and communicate your brand going forward.
Alert Your Team
As we mentioned, your brand is more than your name and logo. It’s your company experience, and as such, everyone on your team from your customer service reps, sales reps, and marketers to accountants, project managers, and owners each impact how outsiders perceive your business. You should let your team know you’re going to rebrand and make sure they understand the company’s new core values so it can shape how they conduct themselves professionally. To go back to our last point, everyone at your organization should have a copy of the brand guide.
Go Public
What’s the point of doing a rebrand if you’re not going to announce it to the world. Have a press release published in your local newspaper. Write a blog post exploring the
‘why’ behind your rebrand and the creative process. Share the news on social media to all of your followers.
Sperling Interactive is a branding company that knows how to make you stand out from the crowd. We can work with businesses, nonprofits, and schools to deliver an impactful and consistent name, logo, and tagline.